Neumi Essentials Pack

neumi essentials pack nutriswish neumiskin

Nutriswish + Skin

Gone are the days of waiting months to see results from supplementation! We have set out to disrupt the health industry through rapid absorption of key ingredients through our HydraStat technology. Nano sized ingredients are the way of the future, and we are the trailblazers!

  • Rapid recovery while improving sleep and cognitive health.
  • Bioavailable within seconds the first in the world using proprietary HydraStat Nano-Technology.
  • Clean & Sustained Energy with joint support and much more.

$100 USD

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  • details


  • how to use

Superior Absorption Through HydraStat Nano-Technology

Using proprietary HydraStat technology, the makers of NutriSwish® have nanosized its active ingredients to nanoparticle sizes that become bioavailable within seconds by oral “swishing” for thirty seconds or longer and then swallowing. Fragile ingredients like Glutathione have been expensive to get into the bloodstream- until now. With our technology glutathione and other key ingredients are affordably available.

Our main ingredient:
Glutathione: Glutathione is also known as the body's "master antioxidant". It is the primary detoxifier of the cell and can recycle itself hundreds of thousands of times to fight free radicals. Increasing your glutathione levels will result in endless health benefits. However, glutathione is very fragile and can be destroyed in the stomach, which is why we have nano-sized it. Nano-sizing glutathione allows us to deliver bio-available glutathione to your cells nearly instantly! If you would like to know more about glutathione, we invite you to search the web for all of its benefits. 

boost your immune with neumi

Immune Booster

neumi supports joints

Joint Support

neumi provides clean energy

Sustained Energy

improve cognitive health with neumi

Cognitive Health

better sleep with neumi

Improved Sleep

Workout Recovery

hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic Acid

This incredible ingredient can hold up to 1000x it's weight in water, making it the secret ingredient for ultra-hydrated skin



The "fountain of youth" or collagen, assists with elasticity and can assist in moisturizing and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.



The body's master antioxidant that can help neutralize free radicals and may help restore your skin to its most healthy color.

Real People, Real Results

Neumi NutriSwish, The Worlds Most Powerful Antioxidant, Nano-Sized for Superior Absorption.

The Wellbeing Collective

Neumi Medical Advisory Board. The brightest minds in wellbeing, now in your corner. Sharing, growing, leading.

Dr Douglas Harrington

Dr. Douglas Harrington

Board Certified in Hematology and Pathology a leader in cardiovascular health.

Dr. Gordon Crozier

Board Certified in Hematology and Pathology a leader in cardiovascular health.

Dr Tania Ash

Dr. Tania Ash

Autralian Integrative Medicine Professional.

Dr Dean Stubbs

Dr. Dean Stubbs

Australian Leader in Integrative Medicine.


Since the 1800's, supplemental delivery methods have essentially stayed the same, through capsules and powders. Nothing is wrong with this form, just like nothing was wrong with listening to music on a record player. Neumi uses breakthrough nanotechnology (breaking large particles down) to increase the bioavailability and effectiveness of all its products.